2020 has certainly been an unpredictable year for everybody, but if you've been planning your wedding this year, you are even more thrown for a loop! With circumstances changing almost every five minutes, it's hard to know which of your ceremony plans you'll be able to keep. You want to celebrate your big day with people you love, but you also don't want to have your venue become the next virus hot spot. Although this may be hard to accept, if you take proper precautions, you are sure to have a wedding ceremony that is still joyful and memorable. 

Consider Outdoor or Virtual Options

Maybe you were already planning on having the wedding outdoors. If not, that is an option to consider, as it will be harder for guests to spread germs that way, so see if your venue has a suitable spot outside. If outdoors isn't a feasible option, make sure you communicate very closely with the staff about how many people are allowed to be indoors at their venue. Depending on how bad the virus is in your area, you may need to restrict your guest list to only close friends and family. If that is the case, consider a virtual option for the rest of the guests, as well as any people in a more vulnerable group who wouldn't feel as comfortable attending in person.

Get Creative With Seating

Whether your ceremony ends up indoors or outdoors, you may need to get creative with the seating. If possible, you could arrange the chairs in a semicircle around the spot where you will be saying your vows. This allows for more space between chairs. You could even do a full circle and give the guests a 360-degree view. If rearranging the seating isn't possible at your venue, consider putting up some cute signs to block certain rows or seats so that your guests can remain socially distanced. 

Wear Cute Bridal Party Masks

Though a face mask was never part of your dream when you imagined the perfect wedding dress and accessories, it may be something you have to accept. So, you might as well have fun with it! You can get a beautiful mask to match your dress, or get masks that say "Mr. and Mrs." to wear with your new spouse. The bridal party can join the fun as well with masks that say things like "bridesmaid", "groomsman", or "mother of the bride." You can go for a more formal look as well, with fancier masks that match the wedding colors that the bridal party will be wearing. Also, customized masks could make a great wedding favor for your guests. 

Adjust Decorations and Signs

You can use your decorations to help people feel as comfortable as possible. Put markers on the floor to indicate which way people should walk or where they should stand. Use cute signs to remind people to social distance. You can even get different colored wristbands (that match wedding colors) for the guests to wear that indicate what level of social contact they feel comfortable with. That way, awkward moments can be avoided and guests can relax more. You should also consider putting hand sanitizer around the room, which you can make part of your decor by putting it in a fancy bottle or using ribbons.

As long as you are flexible and creative with your plans, you should still be able to have a fantastic wedding ceremony in this COVID-19 pandemic. For more information about a wedding ceremony, contact a local wedding business.
