These days, almost everyone has a music player right in their pocket. Cellphones can store music and playlists, so you might be wondering if you really need a DJ at your wedding. You should know that a wedding DJ can do much more than a simple playlist can. Here are four reasons you should hire a DJ to play at your wedding reception:

1. They will create a playlist that flows.

Creating an effective playlist is about more than simply choosing some songs. Dissimilar songs can sound jarring and discordant when played back to back. A wedding DJ will account for this. They'll create playlists that flow effortlessly from one song into the next. Some DJs even modify songs slightly, providing an endless soundscape that offers a new twist on old favorites. Your DJ will make sure to include the songs you want to hear, but they will do so in a way that elevates the entire playlist.

2. They will start the music on time.

It's easy to lose track of time at a wedding. You and your spouse will be distracted enjoying yourselves and greeting all your guests, so it's unlikely that you'll have time to check your watch. A DJ will make sure the reception adheres to your planned timetable. They will start the music at the appropriate time, which can keep the wedding program progressing nicely. Relax and let someone else keep your special day on schedule.

3. They will provide and set up the sound system.

In order to sound as good as possible, music needs to be played over a quality sound system. You'll need speakers and the cables necessary to connect them to an input source. You'll also need a sound mixer that will allow the DJ to raise or lower the volume as they see fit. Mixers let the DJ customize the sound to suit the mood. Most venues don't have the right equipment, but your DJ will. They will provide all their own equipment and set up the sound system before your event begins. They'll also do a soundcheck to ensure everything goes well at the actual reception.

4. They will direct the reception in an entertaining manner.

DJs are music experts, but they're also performers. Your DJ can direct people to the dance floor, announce your first dance, and provide entertaining banter throughout your reception. They will make sure your reception has a fun party atmosphere, which can enhance the event.

Look for a wedding DJ near you. 
